The musical notes represents me as a music lover.
Different colours simply means different genres that I prefer listening to.
Red notes represents hip hop and techno.
Blue notes mean sentimental.
While PINK is my favourite genre, love songs.
The brain here simply represents how I think.
I chose black as the background colour to show my pessimistic nature.
Which is where I see many things negatively and jump to conclusion quickly.
This page represents the bright and optimistic side of my mind which I want to have.
Wanting to be able to see everything is a positive and rational manner.
This is actually an overview of my room which shows how lazy am I in reality.
The clothes and shoes being thrown everywhere even though with a basket within my reach.
I used the scene inside the bus to show the introvert side of me.
I chose the sea to represent the emotional side of me because it is sometimes calm and can be all of the sudden rough.
The same as my unpredictable emotion!
This surface is made by cross-stitching which is a tool for me to release stress and anxiety.
The pink heart represents that this is my favourite past time.
Thank You for viewing =)